Jackson took his first trip back to the midwest at the end of February. He was such a great traveller and we had a great time sharing him with family and friends. It was the first time my parents had a chance to get their hands on little Jackson and they couldn't get enough. Here are some of the highlights!
Grandma Brandt and Aunt Kim seeing JXB in the flesh!! I think they're excited!
I think they're hittin' it off!!
Jackson likes to sit at the head of the table too!
Clay, Mary Jane, John and Matthew stopped by to meet Jackson. So great to see them!
Jackson's cousins Mark and Jessica were able to break away from school in Cincinnati! I still can't believe that I used to baby sit these two. Crazy!!!
Some smiles from Aunt Kim and JXB!
Grandpa taking Jackson for a spin
Tracy and her little cutie Matthew
Aunt Joan hanging with J in the living room
Jackson giving a puzzled look...
We met up with Jeanette, John and Luca while in Cleveland, conveniently staying in the room next door to us! We didn't get to spend a lot time with them, but it was great seeing them regardless. Jackson and Luca did get some good playtime though!!
a Jackson sandwich
Jeanette's givin Luca some nuzzles...how cute is that!
Squeeeeeeeeze a them cheeks!
..back at the Brandt house, B and Grandma B give jackson a double smooch! He didn't know what hit him!
We got some good snow while there, so we took a spin through the valley which was beautiful
Mom and JXB in the backyard...we finally got a smile out of him!
the snowy yard.....
I'm guessing its going to be hard to pull him out of the arms of Grandma B.
Our trip was winding to a close. It was tough to say good bye, but we were on the road up to Michigan to see another batch of eager Jackson fans!