Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random Cuteness

I just thought these were cute....go figure.

I think HE thinks he owns the place. Some more tea and biscuits, sir?

A little 1 on1 tummy time

...and a little airplan ride. They're cute, right?!

Jackson crashed before we could even get out the door. His face gets a little squished....

pancake face.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mama's Birthday

OK, so i'm just trying to catch up on these posts, but this is an important one. Its the first time celebrating C's birthday with little Jackson! What could be better!

Jackson was able to help out with openning of the prizes!! Don't be mistaken, he's just a bit overwhelmed by the excitement of the occasion.

Then we met with some friends at the Bridgeport brewery to celebrate.

...and then wrapped it up with some cupcakes and candles! I think she's pretty happy about these....

Friday, March 21, 2008

Nick and Drea were kind enough to have us out on the Oregon coast back in early February. We had a fantastic time just chillin out and relaxing with the Staubs. It was also our first overnight trip with Jackson, which was great preparation for the mid western trip we would be taking a few weeks later.

The Brandt family at the beach in Manzanita.

Let the playtime begin!

Jackson, still unsure of how to interpret the flirtations of the lovely Rami!

Jackson and Pops hanging out in the sun filled room.

Jackson winding down in the sink after a long day of socializing...

Catchin up on his reading

Jackson has been busy with tummy time lately. Here he is also reading up on the differences between big things and little things. I hear its quite the read!

See! He's totally digging it!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Teaser, with more to come!

So its been a while since we last posted, so I thought I'd throw one up from our trip back to the midwest. We had an awesome trip and Jackson got a chance to hang out with lots of family in Cleveland and Detroit.

Anyway, here's JXB and his good friend Luca who flew all the way from Rhode Island for a visit with JXB, (well maybe they went and saw there family and stuff too)